Blog Archive

Ketamine IV Infusion Treatment Center Mar 21st, 2025

At Lone Star Infusion, we specialize in Ketamine IV Infusion Treatments designed to help alleviate mental disorders such as depression, anxiety, PTSD, OCD, and bipolar disorder, as well as neuropathic pain conditions including CRPS/RSD, fibromyalgia, migraines, and other nerve-related pain symptoms.   Will My Insurance Cover My Ketamine Treatment? The...

CRPS/RSD and Ketamine Treatments Feb 12th, 2025

Intense, chronic pain can be debilitating. Many CRPS/RSD patients have lost jobs, friends and family relationships due to their illness. Many have been forced to give up activities they love and most also suffer with anxiety and depression related to their condition. Physicians and researchers are still puzzled by this...

Journey to Healing: Dr. Chauncey Jones on CRPS, Ketamine Therapy, & Patient-Centered Pain Management Feb 1st, 2025

Table of Contents with Timestamps 0:00 - 2:30 - Introduction Host introduces Dr. Chauncey Jones and his background with Lone Star Infusion Overview of the episode's focus: CRPS, pain management, and ketamine therapy 2:30 - 8:00 - Dr. Jones's Background and Path to CRPS Awareness Dr. Jones shares his rural...

Ketamine for Anxiety: Are Distraction Tools Adaptive or Maladaptive? Sep 30th, 2024

A multidisciplinary approach provides the healing process from Ketamine along with tools to better manage through emotionally stressful situations. One simple Tool is Distraction.  Distraction involves shifting your mindset from the physical sensations of anxiety and anxious thoughts to something else unrelated. ( Remember the Fidgit Spinner?! This ‘new’ development...

'Rushmore,' long COVID stories net Houston Chronicle journalists Best of the West honors Aug 18th, 2024

You’re exhausted when you open your eyes the bedroom you had painted the color of a Veuve Clicquot champagne label. The bright marigold walls bring you … What’s the word? They bring you — joy. The walls bring you joy, that’s the word, and you need to find joy...

Trauma and Ketamine Infusions Sep 12th, 2023

Many people feel better after their first ketamine treatment, and improvement builds from there. But occasionally patients feel worse after one or more of their treatments. One of the reasons can be that the ketamine treatment may correspond with revisiting trauma. This can be a great gift, allowing a patient...

Helpful, Free Online Resources Apr 29th, 2021

Ketamine works for about 70-80% of patients - it is an excellent treatment. But there is more we can do to help it work better, and faster, and for longer.  Below are some of the free programs that I’ve found that are comprehensive, well-created and really helpful. The hardest part...

Why Doesn't Insurance Cover Ketamine? Feb 24th, 2021

There are a few answers to this question, but probably the most significant reason that insurance companies don’t cover ketamine treatments is that they don’t have to. Insurance companies have maintained that ketamine treatments are experimental and that they should not have to pay for them despite the substantial research...

Sustain Ketamine Treatments Through The Holidays Nov 24th, 2020

The holidays are here. The holiday radio stations are playing their full-time programing, and the season of sales is in full swing. This time of the year is magical and fun, except that it often isn’t. On average, across the country and the world, people are generally happier around the...

Will Ketamine Cure Me? Nov 4th, 2020

I wanted to take a moment to answer a common question: Will ketamine cure me? Ketamine is a very powerful antidepressant, relieving symptoms in about 70% of patients with even severe and treatment symptoms within the first 3 infusions. However, it isn’t a magic wand that will sweep away life’s...

Dealing with Anxiety: Strategies for Covid and Beyond Aug 5th, 2020

As we continue through 2020, I realized we could use a blog post on addressing anxiety with some reliable and easy to use tips. This has been such a stressful time for most people. I’ve had patients who had been able to forgo treatments since 2017 come back now because...

My View of Patients Before and After Ketamine Treatments Apr 29th, 2020

A blog post by Pam Barnes, Office Manager at Lone Star Infusion: Many people who suffer from mental illness look for anything that is possible to help treat them. Since I have been working at Lone Star Infusion I have seen the results of how Ketamine works for people.  People...

Nitrous Oxide for Depression Apr 6th, 2020

We offer nitrous oxide inhalation treatments. Similar to ketamine: Nitrous oxide works on some of the same pathways as ketamine and may be a good option for severe treatment-resistant depression. The nitrous treatment is similar to a ketamine treatment – resting in a comfortable chair to receive the medication for...

Mental Health Wellness for Quarantine Mar 31st, 2020

A pyschologist's advice for mental health wellness for the quarantine we face with the Covid-19 pandemic: 1. Stick to a routine. Go to sleep and wake up at a reasonable time, write a schedule that is varied and includes time for work as well as self-care. 2. Dress for the...

Sleep and Mental Health Jan 15th, 2020

The quality of sleep is such an important part of mental health, but it’s often overlooked for more exciting things.   8 hours of sleep? The first thing patients often tell me is that they don’t get a full 8 hours. Our culture really glamorizes 8 hours as ideal. But...

New Research: More Good News for Medication-Resistant Depression Oct 30th, 2019

The Impact of Childhood Maltreatment on Intravenous Ketamine Outcomes for Adult Patients with Medication Resistant DepressionO’Brien, Lijffijt, Swann, and Mathew   SUMMARY: New peer-reviewed, evidence-based research, on treatments at Lone Star Infusion has been published! This paper was presented at a psychiatry conference and was published in the journal Pharmaceuticals....

Bipolar Disorder and Treatment Options Sep 3rd, 2019

Of all the mood disorders, the least understood and the most stigmatized may be Bipolar Disorder. Manic depression, as it used to be called, is tricky to diagnose and difficult to effectively treat. Patients with bipolar disorder may have dramatic and rapidly shifting moods, swinging from euphoric, daring and frenetic...

The Fight to Get Better: Recovering from Depression and Anxiety can be Difficult. Aug 27th, 2019

I frequently see this with my patients: Ketamine treatments are often effective for depression and anxiety, but getting better can still take work. Getting Better: Ketamine is a fast acting anti-depressant – so unlike typical anti-depressants, patients may have mood improvements even after the first treatment. I see patients come...

Childhood Trauma and Ketamine Jul 18th, 2019

Childhood trauma was long known to affect adult levels of depression and anxiety. But only recently has childhood trauma been definitively proven with scientific methods to leave long-lasting scars into adulthood. Childhood trauma makes any mental illness worse and makes any treatments less successful. Through our partnership with Baylor College...

Will my hormones affect my treatments? Apr 25th, 2019

A lot of patients are asking us about how their hormones affect treatments. At Lone Star Infusion, we have patients who are dealing with pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS), premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD), premenopausal symptoms, and post-menopausal symptoms. Although ketamine is still incredibly and impressively effective at treating 70% of patients with anxiety and...

Comparing Depression Treatments Apr 8th, 2019

    In considering ECT vs ketamine treatments or talk therapy vs conventional antidepressants here is an abbreviated list of key considerations:   Talk Therapy •Prices vary •Easily Accessible from many sources •Once a week for months or years •Possibly covered by insurance   Traditional Antidepressants •Slow acting, high rate...

Post Partum Depression Mar 25th, 2019

At Lone Star Infusion we are thrilled that postpartum depression is getting more attention. Most recently the FDA has approved a new medication for postpartum depression exclusively- Brexanolone, which will be marketed by the brand name Zulresso by Sage Pharmaceuticals. About 15% of births, or 1 in 7, lead to...

Sustaining Results With Ketamine Treatments Apr 16th, 2018

The results of ketamine treatments for mood disorders – including depression, anxiety and PTSD – can be sustained over time through a combination of infusions in a series and maintenance treatments on a periodic basis. WHAT THE STUDIES SHOW: There is a significant body of research on ketamine including its...

Ketamine for Depression - Our Results Apr 11th, 2018

For treating depression with ketamine infusions: This study reviewing our results shows an overall response rate above 70% for patients who receive an initial series of treatments either once a week or twice a week. PDF: The Effect of Ketamine Infusion Treatment Schedule on Depression Severity   YOUR SCHEDULE OF...

How Does Ketamine Work? Mar 8th, 2018

How does ketamine work in the body? The short answer is that we don’t know, which is very common in medicine – we don’t know exactly how a lot of drugs work. We do know that ketamine produces important and useful effects. WHAT KETAMINE DOES: There are lots of things...

Adjusting Doses with IV Ketamine Treatments Feb 13th, 2018

At Lone Star Infusion, we find that getting an appropriate, individualized dose appears to impact the quality of the results. It does not seem to be particularly important that patients have a ‘wonderful’ or ‘spiritual’ experience, although many patients say they do and we work to make the experience comfortable....

The Psychedelic Experience With Ketamine Treatments Feb 6th, 2018

Psychedelics continue to show excellent results in treating depression, anxiety and PTSD. Ketamine is available for administration in clinical settings. Does the psychedelic experience matter during an infusion, or is it simply important to get the drug? THE MANY DIFFERENT PSYCHEDELICS: A variety of novel and ancient psychedelic substances have...

Benzodiazepines, Alcohol, and Ketamine Treatments Jan 22nd, 2018

Ketamine is a tremendous and game-changing treatment option for mood disorders including depression, anxiety and PTSD. There are a few things that appear to make low-dose ketamine treatments less effective – notably benzodiazepines (often called benzos) and alcohol use. Benzodiazepines, like Xanax, Ativan, Valium, and others are commonly prescribed as anti-anxiety medications and sleeping...

Ketamine infusions With Other Treatments for Depression Jan 19th, 2018

Some medications and procedures for depression can’t be combined easily. But ketamine can be added to other treatments and, in fact, we often recommend combining ketamine infusion therapies with other treatments for longer-lasting depression relief. There aren’t many contraindications for the use of ketamine and ketamine therapy does not disrupt the majority...

What to Do with Advice on How to be Happy Jan 12th, 2018

How are we supposed to think about an article, like this one below, that posits that depression and anxiety are primarily caused by structural imbalances in the way we live our lives, such as structural problems like being the janitor instead of the CEO: “Is everything you think you know...

Ketamine versus New Derivative Drugs for Depression Jan 6th, 2018

Despite new drugs being developed based on the success of ketamine, it looks like conventional ketamine treatments may remain the best option. As research and clinical results have increasingly demonstrated that low-dose ketamine is effective in treating depression over the last couple decades, a host of derivative drugs have been...

Ketamine, FDA Approval, And Off-Label Use of Drugs Aug 2nd, 2017

I see a lot of confusion when it comes to this subject, and I think this is a good area to explore further: FDA-Approved vs Off-Label: Ketamine is an FDA-approved medication. The FDA approved indication for ketamine is as a sole anesthetic agent for diagnostic and surgical procedures. Ketamine is not currently...

What can you treat with Ketamine? Jul 29th, 2017

Beyond its conventional clinical use as an anesthetic agent, ketamine has increasingly shown good results in the treatment of other conditions. These other conditions are often grouped into the categories of mood disorders and neuropathic pain conditions. Here is a more detailed list: WE HAVE SUBSTANTIAL RESEARCH DATA AND CLINICAL DATA SHOWING...

What is Ketamine: Medical Use Jul 22nd, 2017

Ketamine has a long history of medical use and the research to date supports ketamine as a safe and effective medication when administered by appropriately-trained medical professionals, such as anesthesiologists. It is an FDA-approved, and legal drug. It is one of the most commonly used medications throughout the world today.1 This...

Ketamine in the Body: Why Ketamine By IV Infusion Jul 15th, 2017

Why Lone Star Infusion Prefers IV Ketamine for Mood Disorder Treatments Ketamine may be delivered by multiple paths: IV, IM, PO, sublingual, subdermal, intranasal, and rectal. Of these options, IV, PO, and intranasal administration for treatment resistant depression have all been specifically studied, and the results to date show efficacy...

What is Ketamine Infusion Like? May 15th, 2017

What is it like to have an infusion of ketamine for the treatment of mood disorders? To begin, all patients with symptoms that include depression are asked to complete a brief depression questionnaire and new patients are also asked take a brief one-time history questionnaire. After a few minutes checking...

What is Ketamine: An Overview Apr 5th, 2017

Ketamine was created in 1962. It was the first dissociative anesthetic agent in modern medicine, meaning that at high doses it can create a strong feeling of disconnection from one’s self and reality. In this trance-like state surgery can be performed without causing a patient pain and distress. Since it...

Magnesium for Depression and Pain: An Important Mineral That Improves the Action of Ketamine Sep 10th, 2016

Magnesium appears to be related to healthy neural activity and magnesium appears to improve the action of ketamine at the neuron synapses when the two are given together. With good probable benefits and minimal downsides magnesium is likely beneficial as an addition to ketamine infusion therapies. What is magnesium: Magnesium...

Rapid Relief for Postpartum Depression Jul 22nd, 2016

Ketamine offers the possibility of rapid reduction of depressive symptoms, and may be an excellent option for people struggling with postpartum depression. Postpartum depression can be severe and sudden. It isn’t usually a great time to have to wait weeks and weeks for a typical antidepressant to begin working. Typical...

Ketamine Infusion Therapies for End-of-Life Care May 17th, 2016

For a terminal illness ketamine may be a really great treatment option. Psychedelic drugs and their derivatives, such as ketamine, ospielp patients cope with existential concerns, and can reduce anxiety leading up to death. Ketamine infusion therapies can offer end-of-life patients peace of mind. Patients who have access to psychedelic...

Ketamine Treatments and Your Team of Doctors Apr 19th, 2016

Much of modern medicine relies on doctors and other health care professionals working together in coordinated teams of experts – each person doing what they do best to take the best care of the patient. Ketamine therapies should follow the same model, and it just makes good sense to have...

Why we started Lone Star Infusion Apr 5th, 2016

Lone Star Infusion Ketamine infusion clinic was started to safely provide ketamine as a life-changing treatment option for patients in the Houston area. Ketamine is a well-known and powerful anesthetic agent that can also provide rapid relief to patients with severe depression, anxiety, PTSD, CRPS, chronic neuropathic pain, and other...